Centrifugal & Reciprocating Compressor
NSPS OOOOb: Centrifugal & Reciprocating Compressor Compliance at Oil and Gas Facilities
In this article, we review EPA’s NSPS OOOOb for centrifugal and reciprocating compressors used at onshore natural gas processing plants, compressor stations, and centralized production facilities.
National Water Funding
Water Infrastructure Projects Get $2.4 Billion in New Nationwide Funding
More than $2.4 billion in new Clean Water State Revolving Fund funding is available to support water system improvements. Learn more about the funding and see 5 grant application tips.
Data Management Considerations
Top 5 Considerations for Moving your Environmental Data from Paper to Digital
Top 5 considerations when moving from paper-based environmental data collection to digital environmental data collection, analysis, and management.
    • Management
    • Field Data
    • Environmental
    • Environment
    • Data Management
    • Data
  • Proposed Appendix K: Recordkeeping
    We explore proposed optical gas imaging (OGI) recordkeeping requirements established in proposed changes to New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Appendix K.
    Proposed Appendix K: Camera Operator Training Requirements and Performance Audits
    We explore the training and audit requirements introduced in Appendix K of EPA’s proposed New Source Performance Standards and Emissions Guidelines.
    NSZD: A Passive Remediation Powerhouse for LNAPL
    NSZD can serve as a powerhouse in subsurface LNAPL removal, often exceeding LNAPL mass removal rates of engineered systems such as pumping, air sparging, or vapor extraction.
    TENORM Delve
    Decision on Montana TENORM Limit Delayed
    Montana DEQ proposed new regulations for managing the disposal of TENORM...
    • Waste
    • Radioactive
    • TENORM
    • Department of Environmental Quality
    • DEQ
    • Montana
    • Delve
    • 2019
  • 172 PFAS Compounds Included for 2020 TRI Reporting Year
    Starting with reporting year 2020, companies must track and compile data on 172 PFAS compounds to comply with Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting requirements.
    • PFOA
    • PFAS
    • TRI Reporting
    • TRI List
    • Safety Data Sheet
    • SDS
  • EPA to Change Types of Construction That Can Begin Before Receiving an Air Permit
    EPA changes interpretation of "begin actual construction" under the New Source Review permitting program.
    • Air Permitting
    • New Source Review
    • Clean Air Act
    • EPA
  • EPA Finalizes TSCA CDR Amendment and Extends Reporting Deadline
    TSCA's CDR mandates quadrennial reporting to maintain an evergreen database of chemical production, importation, and use information.
    • TSCA Inventory
    • Regulatory Compliance, Permitting & Auditing
    • CDR Reporting
    • TSCA
  • March 27th Deadline for Companies to Self-Identify Under TSCA
    EPA established a March 27, 2020 regulatory deadline for companies to self-identify if they manufacture or import, or ceased manufacture or import of, any of the 20 high-priority substances about to undergo risk evaluation.
    • TSCA
    • EPA
    • Regulatory Compliance
  • What to Expect: Reformed TSCA Requirements for the 2020 CDR
    The 2020 CDR cycle begins June 1, 2020 and is unlike past quadrennial reporting cycles because it is the first to occur under the reformed TSCA.
    • Regulatory Compliance
    • TSCA
    • CDR
    • EPA
  • Proposed Changes to the National Environmental Policy Act
    The White House has announced proposed fundamental changes to the National Environmental Policy Act.
    • NEPA
    • environmental policy
    • EIS
    • Federal
  • Firemen extinguish chemical fire at industrial facility
    Why Your RMP Needs to Know About Recent Rule Changes and CSB’s New Proposed Ruling
    The final rule is expected to be published to the Federal Register the week of February 10, 2020, and will become effective 30 days after publication.
    • Risk management plan
    • EPA
    • Accidental release
    • Chemical release
    • CSB
    • RMP
    • Emergency response
  • mine reclamation site in wyoming
    6 Tips for Achieving Final Reclamation Bond Release
    Several factors need to align for mine reclamation success, and attaining final closure often takes years—or even decades. Here are six tips to streamline the process.
    • Mine Closure
    • Reclamation Bond
    • Reclamation
    • Bond Release
    • Mining
    • stakeholder engagement
  • Are you ready for IMO 2020? Sulphur oxides emissions regulation hits January 1
    • International Maritime Organization
    • Refineries
    • SOx emissions
    • SOx
    • Sulphur oxides
    • Marine fuels market
    • IMO 2020
  • Landfill Delve
    Top 5 Compliance Tips for Small Landfills
    With limited resources, owners and operators of small MSWLFs often face challenges balancing operational costs with compliance needs...
    • Solid Waste
    • landfills
  • Microplastics
    How Big is the Microplastics Problem?
    • Wastewater
    • Water
    • Microbeads
    • Microfibers
    • Microplastics
  • Chemical Data Reporting Errors Could Result in Fines Under TSCA
    The importance of timely and accurate chemical data reporting (CDR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was highlighted last week...
    • Manufacturing
    • Data
    • Chemical Data Reporting
    • TSCA
    • environmental compliance
    • EPA
  • newsitem-01
    The EPA, Residual Risk and Technology Review (RTR) & Ethylene Production Facilities (EMACT)
    On October 9 and 23, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)...
    • Ethylene
    • RTR
    • environmental compliance
    • EMACT
    • GMACT
    • flares
    • ethylene RTR
  • UW_Institution_Logo
    University of Wyoming "Trihydro’s dedication to the communities in which they have offices is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship with Trihydro and the opportunity to present students with quality job opportunities from a top notch company."

    Conrad Chavez, Manager, Multicultural Affairs

    When choosing an environmental and engineering partner, you expect proven expertise, consistent quality and a high overall value. Nothing less will do. You can count on these qualities from Trihydro. We welcome you to contact us or visit one of our locations.

    Headquarters 307-745-7474  |  Locations