Trihydro restored and stabilized an eroded riverbank, providing construction, revegetation, pollution prevention, regulatory compliance services. Despite encountering several unanticipated obstacles, Trihydro completed construction more than seven weeks ahead of schedule.

This project focused on the environmental restoration and stabilization of two segments of eroded riverbank along the St. Jones River in Delaware. Trihydro was the prime contractor for the project team.

The scope of services performed by the Trihydro team for the segments of riverbank included:

  • Construction and contract management
  • Clearing dense vegetation and small trees
  • Placing Soil Erosion Controls (SECs) and pollution prevention measures to protect St. Jones River water from erosion and runoff from construction activities
  • Installing toe revetment
  • Backfilling and grading
  • Placing topsoil and construction of live soil lifts
  • Planting and seeding
  • Final inspection
  • Preparing a summary report including as-built drawings.

  • Work was conducted around significant tidal variations in river elevation and seasonal conditions that precluded construction during winter months. 

    For one of the segments, Trihydro expedited work and prevented further riverbank degradation through the initial implementation of minor surface grading, fill and installation of coconut netting during the initial, winter period of non-construction. Based on surveys of previously planted areas, Trihydro proposed and implemented no-cost quality changes in the bank protection design by substituting potted plants for plant bundles and live-staking indicated in the plans. Implementation required negotiation of species and planting program changes with representatives from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Even with these negotiations and changes, construction was completed 51 days ahead of schedule.

    For the other segment, several unanticipated obstacles were encountered during the clearing and grubbing, including a large amount of concrete. The concrete was excavated, stockpiled onsite, and hauled offsite for appropriate disposal at no additional cost. A 15-inch storm water outfall pipe was also discovered, which was not designated in the plans. A no-cost modification was made to the work plan to taper the bank fill around the outfall pipe and add rip rap protection in front of the outfall to dissipate the water flow as it enters the fringe marsh. Despite changed conditions, construction was completed within budget and 75 days ahead of schedule.


    Construction to restore both riverbanks was completed within budget and ahead of schedule.

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