Senate Votes to Maintain BLM Venting and Flaring Rule
May 10, 2017 - Earlier today, the U.S. Senate rejected a resolution to repeal the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation Rule, commonly referred to as the BLM Venting and Flaring Rule.
The rule, which was published in the Federal Register on November 18, 2016, regulates methane emissions for both existing and new production operations on federal lands. Trihydro previously prepared a summary of the rule requirements, which can be accessed here.  You can also click here to view the final rule on BLM’s website.

There is potential that the rule will be reconsidered, however, it is currently a final rule and compliance requirements actively apply. The most notable requirements include upcoming compliance deadlines for leak detection inspections and the submission of a Waste Minimization Plan with Applications for Permit to Drill.  

Contact our air compliance experts with questions about the rule and which steps you should be considering now:

Jay Christopher, Senior Air Specialist
[email protected]

Calvin Niss, Senior Vice President 
[email protected]

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