Delve NSPS Regulation Update
Proposed NSPS Amendments Rollback Methane Regulations
On August 28, 2019, the U.S. EPA announced its proposal to amend two components of current NSPS OOOO and OOOOa regulations...
    • VOC
    • Methane
    • News
    • Oil and Gas
    • NSPS
    • NSPS OOOOa
    • Air
    • 2019
  • Changes to Endangered Species Act Coming Soon
    In an August 12, 2019 announcement, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National...
    • Endangered Species
    • NOAA Fisheries
    • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • TX Flooding Delve
    Flood Resiliency in Texas: Planning for 2020 and Beyond
    Texas is ranked first in the nation in the variety and frequency of natural disasters...
    Welcome Nyree Melancon, Risk Assessor, to Trihydro!
    Trihydro continues to expand our capabilities and experience with the addition of our new risk assessor, Nyree Melancon.
    • Risk Assessor
    • Risk Assessment
    • Closed Facilities
    • Trihydro
    • New Employee
    • 2019
  • Ethanol_Delve
    Better to Be Prepared: Get Ready Now for EPA Audits of Your Ethanol Facilities
    There has recently been an uptick in EPA audits of ethanol facilities...
    • Title V
    • Ethanol
    • EPA
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Delve
    • Auditing
    • Air
    • 2019
  • Craig Carlson to Join Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists
    Trihydro is pleased to announce that Craig Carlson, P.G. has been recently appointed to the Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists.
    • Wyoming
    • Geology
    • Wyoming Professional Board of Geologists
  • Welcome John Pfeffer, Senior Air Professional to Trihydro!
    Trihydro continues to grow our capabilities and experience with the addition of our new senior air professional, John Pfeffer.
    • Welcome
    • John Pfeffer
    • Trihydro
    • New Employee
    House Passes Bill to Tackle PFAS Cleanup
    On July 12, 2019, the House voted to include amendments that address PFAS pollution as part of the NDAA
    Industrial Drones & The Rise of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
    According to the Association of State Dam Safety Officials, the current average age of the 90,580 dams in the country is 56 years...
    • Delve
    • Unmanned Aerial System
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
    • UAV
    • UAS
    • Inspection
    • Dam
    • 2019
  • Drinking Water
    New Data Reveals Extensive PFAS Contamination
    • Hazardous Air Pollutants
    • Health & Safety
    • Heath & Safety
    • health and safety
    • Delve
    • Data
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Environmental
    • Contamination
    • PFAS
    • Action Plan
    • 2019
  • newsitem-01
    Trihydro Staff Participate in Annual Society of Women Engineers Banquet
    Trihydro staff attended the University of Wyoming Chapter’s 6th Annual Society of Women Engineers Banquet in Laramie, WY last week.
    • STEM
    • Trihydro
    • UWYO
    • SWE
    • Society of Women Engineers
    • University of Wyoming
  • HazWaste_Pharm_News
    Updated Pharmaceuticals Waste Management Rule Finalized, Effective August 2019
    the EPA published a final rule to standardize how healthcare facilities and reverse distributors handle hazardous waste pharmaceuticals...
    • Industrial
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Hazardous Waste
    • Environmental
    • Environment
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • EPA
    • Delve
    • 2019
  • Brian Pelan
    Trihydro Welcomes Brian Pelan, New OSE Director
    • News
    • Health & Safety
    • Operational & Service Excellence
    • OSE
    • 2019
  • WIFIA-Funds
    EPA Announces $6 Billion in WIFIA Funds for Water Infrastructure Upgrades
    The EPA published a Notice of Funding Availability on April 5, 2019...
    • WIFIA
    • Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
    • Financing
    • Water
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • EPA
    • Delve
  • Delve Methylene Chloride
    EPA Bans Methylene Chloride for Consumer Use
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Environmental
    • EPA
    • Chloride
    • Methylene
    • Delve
    • 2019
  • Texas_Funding_Delve2
    Growing Your Piggy Bank: Finance and Management for Utilities in 2019
    Texas utilities face an increasing challenge to collect sufficient revenue...
    • Funding
    • Treatment
    • TX
    • Water
    • 2019
  • Eng_Award
    Trihydro Employee Receives Wyoming Engineering Society Award
    Trevor Trouchon was recognized as the 2018-2019 Wyoming Engineering Society (WES)...
    Funding Your Water Projects: 2019 and Beyond
    • TX
    • Funding Guide
    • Loan
    • Infrastructure
    • AWIA
    • USDA
    • Federal
    • texas
    • Grant
    • Funding
  • Title_V_Delve_NEWS
    WDEQ Migrates Title V Operating Permits to Open Air Website
    Wyoming is changing the way Title V operating permits and documents are accessed.
    • WY
    • Wyoming
    • Data
    • Delve
    • Open Air
    • WDEQ
    • Air Quality
    • Title V
  • UW_Institution_Logo
    University of Wyoming "Trihydro’s dedication to the communities in which they have offices is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship with Trihydro and the opportunity to present students with quality job opportunities from a top notch company."

    Conrad Chavez, Manager, Multicultural Affairs

    When choosing an environmental and engineering partner, you expect proven expertise, consistent quality and a high overall value. Nothing less will do. You can count on these qualities from Trihydro. We welcome you to contact us or visit one of our locations.

    Headquarters 307-745-7474  |  Locations