Trihydro Receives 2019 EBJ Business Achievement Award
Trihydro was awarded EBJ's Mid-Size Firm Business Achievement award for 2019.
Proposed Changes to the National Environmental Policy Act
The White House has announced proposed fundamental changes to the National Environmental Policy Act.
    • NEPA
    • environmental policy
    • EIS
    • Federal
  • Firemen extinguish chemical fire at industrial facility
    Why Your RMP Needs to Know About Recent Rule Changes and CSB’s New Proposed Ruling
    The final rule is expected to be published to the Federal Register the week of February 10, 2020, and will become effective 30 days after publication.
    • Risk management plan
    • EPA
    • Accidental release
    • Chemical release
    • CSB
    • RMP
    • Emergency response
  • mine reclamation site in wyoming
    6 Tips for Achieving Final Reclamation Bond Release
    Several factors need to align for mine reclamation success, and attaining final closure often takes years—or even decades. Here are six tips to streamline the process.
    • Mine Closure
    • Reclamation Bond
    • Reclamation
    • Bond Release
    • Mining
    • stakeholder engagement
  • Thumbnail (7)
    New Year's Eve Safety Tips
    Stay safe this New Year's Eve
    • Health & Safety
  • Are you ready for IMO 2020? Sulphur oxides emissions regulation hits January 1
    • International Maritime Organization
    • Refineries
    • SOx emissions
    • SOx
    • Sulphur oxides
    • Marine fuels market
    • IMO 2020
  • Thumbnail (9)
    Winter Solstice
    Winter may just be getting started, but if you’re ready for more sunlight, you won’t have much longer to wait.
    Health & Safety Tip: 2019 Holiday Safety
    With the holidays right around the corner, it is important to remember to stay vigilant for health and safety risks.
    Thumbnail (6)
    Managing Holiday Stress
    The holiday season is upon us and with it comes celebrations, shopping, traveling, and other activities that may cause individuals to become stressed and overwhelmed.
    • Holiday Stress Management
    • health and safety
  • Landfill Delve
    Top 5 Compliance Tips for Small Landfills
    With limited resources, owners and operators of small MSWLFs often face challenges balancing operational costs with compliance needs...
    • Solid Waste
    • landfills
  • Microplastics
    How Big is the Microplastics Problem?
    • Wastewater
    • Water
    • Microbeads
    • Microfibers
    • Microplastics
  • Chemical Data Reporting Errors Could Result in Fines Under TSCA
    The importance of timely and accurate chemical data reporting (CDR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was highlighted last week...
    • Manufacturing
    • Data
    • Chemical Data Reporting
    • TSCA
    • environmental compliance
    • EPA
  • newsitem-01
    The EPA, Residual Risk and Technology Review (RTR) & Ethylene Production Facilities (EMACT)
    On October 9 and 23, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)...
    • Ethylene
    • RTR
    • environmental compliance
    • EMACT
    • GMACT
    • flares
    • ethylene RTR
  • TSCA Compliance in 2020. Preparing for Chemical Data Reporting.
    The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is intended to help protect workers, consumers, and the environment from adverse chemical impacts...
    • EPA
    • TSCA
    • Regulatory Compliance, Permitting & Auditing
    • CDR
  • newsitem-01
    Voluntary Environmental Disclosure Moves Ahead in North Dakota
    On October 7, 2019, the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
    • voluntary disclosure
    • environmental audit
    • self-report
    • self-audit
    • MOA
    • NDDEQ
  • newsitem
    PFAS Treatment & Remediation Technologies
    With increasing legislative and public interest in per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), the quest for PFAS remediation technologies is advancing quickly.
    • Remediation Technology
    • Emerging Contaminants
    • EPA Health Advisory
    • PFOS
    • PFOA
    • PFAS Remediation
  • NewsItem2
    Evaluating Emerging Contaminant Risk Levels at Redevelopment Sites
    Emerging contaminants can pose significant challenges for brownfield and redevelopment site property managers and developers.
    • 1 4-dioxane
    • Emerging Contaminant
    • PFAS
    • 2019
  • EHS_newsIteam-01
    Trihydro Receives Best Overall Safety Culture Award
    Trihydro received the 2019 “Best Overall Safety Culture Award” issued by the EHS Daily Advisor.
    • Award
    • 2019
  • Tips to Assess Your Air Compliance Program Effectiveness
    Air Compliance – Tips to Assess Your Program Effectiveness
    If your air compliance program was “tested”, what letter grade would it receive?
    Welcome, Melissa Hinman, Solid Waste Engineer, to Trihydro!
    We recently welcomed Melissa Hinman, P.E. to our Industrial, Commercial, and Energy Services Team!
    • Groundwater Quality Assessment
    • Leachate Collection System Design
    • Engineered Containment System
    • Solid Waste
  • UW_Institution_Logo
    University of Wyoming "Trihydro’s dedication to the communities in which they have offices is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship with Trihydro and the opportunity to present students with quality job opportunities from a top notch company."

    Conrad Chavez, Manager, Multicultural Affairs

    When choosing an environmental and engineering partner, you expect proven expertise, consistent quality and a high overall value. Nothing less will do. You can count on these qualities from Trihydro. We welcome you to contact us or visit one of our locations.

    Headquarters 307-745-7474  |  Locations