We dig into the latest industry insights so you don’t have to. Browse recent articles to catch up on regulatory news, technical updates, and best practices that matter.
NEPA Federal Lands
What's New with NEPA?
We explore four key NEPA updates introduced in 2021 that may apply to environmental projects for years to come.
PFAS regulations
PFAS Regulations – Part 2: Emerging and Anticipated Regulatory Developments
We explore pending and emerging PFAS rules and regulations, especially concerning water, contaminated sites, wastewater, and solid waste.
Andrew Pawlisz, DABT
Ethanol plant fermentation top
OGI Highlights the Value of Voluntary Emissions Monitoring at Ethanol Plants
Technology like optical gas imaging (OGI) combined with voluntary emissions monitoring can help identify and mitigate vapor emissions from beerwell and fermentation tank top equipment.
Environmental Statistics: Contaminant Source Attribution Using PCA – PFAS, an Example
Environmental statistical methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA), can help summarize complex datasets and inform decision-making.
QAPPs – What Are They and Why Do They Matter?
Quality assurance project plans (QAPPs) can be an essential part of project planning for sites that use data for project decisions.
Nella Dagnillo, REM
Chemical plant
PFAS Regulations – Part 1: Existing Rules
Several EPA-led actions, research, monitoring, and toxicity testing will likely result in additional PFAS regulations. Trihydro presents Part 1 of 3 in a series of articles covering PFAS regulations.
Andrew Pawlisz, DABT
OGI camera
NSPS OOOOa Regulatory Forecast
NSPS OOOOa has experienced multiple amendments since 2016, and additional changes are expected into 2022. Read on for a summary of recent activity and a forecast of anticipated updates.
Jay Christopher
tank farm
DTSC Proposes Increased Governance and Fee Reform
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has proposed a new governance structure, with stated goals of alleviating budgetary gaps and implementing programmatic reform.
Matt Jones, PG
Burn area in forest after wildfire
Wildfire Response: A Whole-System Approach
Despite the significant challenge wildfires present, there are proven restoration activities that can help a forest return from severe fire and prevent future damage.
Birds flying over wetlands
CEQ Rescinds NEPA Guidance
CEQ, which oversees NEPA, has rescinded 2019 draft GHG guidance in favor of previous GHG guidance established in 2016.
Charlie DeWolf, PhD


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